National Head Lice Awareness month


September is National Head Lice Awareness month, in recognition of the time of year when reported cases of lice infestation soar as children leave summer camp and head back to school. There are few things more distressing to a parent then getting a call from the school nurse reporting that your child has head lice.

Cootie Catchers is Saudi Arabia’s Premier Head Lice Treatment and Removal service that specializes in the safe screening and effective removal of head lice, using 100% natural products. Cootie Catchers is also the only Saudi Arabia head lice removal service certified to use the “LouseBuster,” which is the first FDA-cleared medical device to treat head lice and louse eggs (nits). Rather than the more well-known method of simply shampooing lice away, Cootie Catchers uses the LouseBuster, which is similar to a blow dryer with a diffuser-like tip. The device generates enough heat to kill lice and nits, yet operates at a lower temperature than blow dryers. After using the LouseBuster device, the treatment is followed by a “comb-through,” using a fine-tooth louse comb to rid the scalp and hair of lice and nits.

Intisar Umm Adam  is the Lice Lady of Arabia , founder and sole proprietor of Cootie Catchers, Saudi Arabia’s Premier Head Lice Treatment and Removal Service.

To schedule lice treatments in your home or school call:

966-50 211 2608 (Now Servicing Riyadh 7 days a week. Will Travel for large groups.)

 Delivering the best possible lice treatment to families is our mission.


Lice Alert in Saudi Arabia

PARENTS/TEACHERS: Be on alert that while children are out during school breaks they are doing more that just having fun. They are spreading lice. Don’t think that just because they aren’t in school that they can’t get lice. There are more lice cases after breaks than before. Check those heads before sending them back to the classroom where it will spread some more.



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Lice Egg/Nit

This is a picture of a lice egg also called a nit. Again these are also hard to see sometimes, depending on the color of your childs hair and how early the stage of infestation. A nit feels like a grain of sand and it will not move. It will stay in place.
خدمة سعوديةلعلاج قمل الرأس و إزالته 0502112608

Call The Professionals

One huge benefit of going to an expert is that you get to see how to do a proper comb-out. The lesson will come in handy if you decide to try a comb-out at home, either now or as a preventive measure next time one of your child’s playmates has lice.

خدمة سعوديةلعلاج قمل الرأس و إزالته

Lice Detection: Nits On Hair Shaft

 Nits on the hair shaft.

This method is not always the most reliable unless you know what you are looking for. Whereas, it is obvious that there is a head lice infestation when you find a live creature crawling through the hair, there are other ‘things’ in the hair that often cause confusion for many people, making diagnosis of a lice infestation a little tricky.

If you find nits on just one child, check all other children and the adults in the household. Detection and treatment for all those affected should be carried out on the same day in order to greatly reduce the risk of re-infestation.

خدمة سعوديةلعلاج قمل الرأس و إزالته 0502112608